Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trust and Love

So I was just reading a facebook status from a friend of mine(really my mans friend) about insecure girlfriends. Just got me thinking… I responded that no relationship can work without trust. I think most people would agree with that. But, I have seen a few couples that THINK they have that trust and then for whatever reason it comes about that apparently they don’t. That’s when the shit really hits the fan!

Relationships are tough. It is really hard for a woman to trust a man these days. And maybe the same is true for men with women, I wouldn’t know. I want to say that a women needs to know that she is her mans queen and live that, be that. But how is she supposed to know that if he hasn’t told her? Or if they aren’t sure yet.. if its still the beginning and they haven’t really committed yet?

I am lucky. I have been with my man for over 5 years. We seriously committed after the first year and ever since then we don’t have issues of trust when it comes to other males and females. I have fibbed about another thing or two here and there which has gotten me in trouble but never anything related to fidelity.

I think people are afraid to have that conversation. Like if it isn’t SUPER serious yet that it will make it that way. I don’t understand why it cant just be a mellow conversation. Yes, they are committing to each other to a degree. They are committing themselves to only sharing themselves with each other. There is nothing wrong with that. But ladies, that doesn’t mean you are getting a ring anytime soon. It just means that he should be able to go to the club with his boys without you trippin.

I also think there are a lot of dudes who don’t want to have that conversation. So many dudes think they are too fuckin cool. I feel like, everybody wants somebody…so why does everyone have to play it all cool and collected? If you are really diggin on someone, it’s okay.

Tonight I am reminded, again, that I have a fantastic man. We have been through our fair share of shit but in the end we have a solid relationship. We drive each other insane but that’s just how it is. In the end, we will always love each other and we will always be here for each other. I know he isn’t going to go home with some broad from the club cause I know he isn’t going to find one better than me. That is how every female should feel about her man. If he is really YOUR man… you shouldn’t feel the need to trip.

Fellas, if you aren’t out trying to do it to other females then let your chick know that she is your only chick and you intend to keep it that way. Ladies, if you have this conversation with your man… trust him until he actually gives you a reason not to.

What it is

This is going to be everything. My opinions, my thoughts, feelings, knowledge, questions, answers, etc... its going to be what it is.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Pregnancy Updates and Stuff

So I started to write a blog about my pregnancy yesterday and then realized i just wasnt feeling it... well i found this on my baby board today and thought it would do the job... so here we go...

Mother Name: Katie

Age: 25

Birthday: Sept 17th

Height: 5'4"

Father Name: Brandon

Age: 25

Birthday: May 24th

Height: 6'3"


How did you find out you were pregnant? We were trying so I took a pregnancy test like a day after I was late :]

Is this your first pregnancy?: No. But first baby

How far along are you now?: 30 weeks 5 days

Do you like kids?: I love most of them

Have you had your baby shower yet?: Not yet. April 4th, April 18th and April 22nd.

Do you still feel attractive?: With clothes on :]

Do you talk to your baby?: I do. Pretty much every day

Do you have insurance?: Yes, thank you little baby jesus ;]

How many kids do you want?: 2 or 3

Any days you wish you weren't pregnant?: No.

Are you ready for baby?: Not really. I just realized this a couple of days ago. I will be ready when we gets here though.

What is the worst thing about being pregnant?: All the things that make you worry. and the things people dont tell you about.

What’s one thing you miss doing since being pregnant? going dancing and walking without a waddle

What is your favorite thing about being pregnant?: feeling my son move ALL the time.

Who will help with baby after they’re born? probably everyone :] my mom will be around... brandon's sister will be here for a week soon after he gets here thank god! we haven't figured out daycare once i go back to work though.

Are you excited?: hell yes! I cant wait to meet my son!

How long could you wear your regular clothes?: I am still wearing some of my shirts but i have had to wear maternity pants since about 12-16 weeks. I probably could have gone longer but they were so uncomfortable!

When did you start to show?: Pretty immediately. 16-20 weeks or so?

Have you bought anything for baby yet?: most of what we have has been donated. Crib (no mattress), dresser that we had, my mom bought our bottles, we got huge box of clothes, portable swing, bath seat, mobile and bottle warmers from brandons co worker, baby bath, first aid kit and some other things.

Formula or breastfeeding?: breastfeeding for as long as possible.

Any complications: nope. doing pretty damn good so far...

How much weight have you gained?: Only 5 pounds and hoping to stay there

Are you a high risk pregnancy?: since I am overweight i was at higher risk for gestational diabetes but i didnt get it! woo woo!

Did you have any mood swings?: hell yes. they are on and off.. usually in spurts for a week or so at a time. i have been crying for 18 hours for no reason at all. its ridiculous! :]

Did you have morning sickness?: I was really nauseous until 12 weeks but i never threw up from it! Then after 12 weeks this wild gag reflex kicked in... i lost it once to that. that was rough.

Any other pregnancy symptoms?: haha... just a few! one thing that no one wants to hear about... :] i got this weird rash a couple of weeks ago that hasnt gone away... it doesnt itch thank god! my skin is even better than it was before i got prego! my groin/thighs/baby making area is sooooo sore all the time its retarted! oh and the snot... jesus lord the snot is never ending!!! i have been super stuffed up for 7 months!!!!! and thanks to spring being here its only getting worse at the moment.


Did you have any cravings?: I crave cheese. Chocolate milk and the first trimester i wanted mcdonalds snack wraps.

Have you and dad felt baby move?: oh yeah. he is a moving machine

Will baby have any siblings?: eventually

Who do you think baby will look like?: I have a feeling he is going to look and he exactly like his daddy. they have pretty strong genes when it comes to physical features

Have you heard the heartbeat?: Every time I go to the doctor

Any ultrasounds?: 2 - 9 weeks and 19 weeks

Any names?: Avery Jaylen - Daddy will call him AJ

Do you know the sex?: yes

If so, boy or girl?: Boy

Do you want to know the sex?: Yes I did

How far were you when you found out?: 19 weeks


Due date: June 4th. At our last ultrasound he was measuring may 29th. daddy wants him to be born on his birthday (may 24th)

When was baby conceived?: Sept. 12th :)

Was baby planned?: He was.

Who was with you when you found out?: Brandon

Who did you tell first?: Brandon and Crystal

What were your first symptoms?: nausea

How many?: how many what?

What kind of pregnancy test did you take?: Um the first one was a clear blue digital and the next one was a dollar store test :]

Other notes:
Brandon has been a saint through all of this. He has been good about compromising on alot of things and only sticking to his guns when he really feels strongly about something. Whereas i fight for almost everything ;] He has filled up my humidifier almost every night and is constantly getting me water or doing millions of other little things i am constantly asking him for. He is really happy at his job and i am super proud of him for working his ass off to get what he wanted. He puts me at ease about a lot of things which is so necessary.

okay tyra is on! im out ;]